So you’ve been out there in the market trying out each marketing tool that you can get your hands on. Everything from Social Media channels to video content, you’ve tried it all.
One important thing to keep in mind while using these tools and channels is that these tools are only as powerful as your ability to use them effectively.
This calls for an upgrade in our marketing knowledge. In this article, I will take you to the next level in Travel Agency Marketing, to a concept called Marketing Strategy!

If we go by the definition of Marketing Strategy from Wikipedia,
“Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach and an overall game plan of any organization or any business with the fundamental goal of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage by understanding the needs and wants of customers.”
The strategy that we are going to discuss in this blog post is that of Push v/s Pull Marketing and will try to understand which one is more effective when it comes to travel agency marketing.
What is Pull Marketing Strategy?

A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a travel agency aims to increase the demand for its packages and draw travelers to the agency.
Some examples of Pull Marketing in case of the travel industry are:
- Social Media Posts about Your Agency
- Word Of Mouth Through Old Customers
- Handing Out Business Cards To New People
All these examples have one thing in common, i.e. the time taken between your marketing effort and output is less efficient as compared to the pull strategies.
What is Push Marketing Strategy?

Push marketing focuses on taking the packages/deals to the traveler and putting the deals in front of the traveler at the point of purchase.
This type of marketing strategy hopes to minimize the amount of time between a traveler discovering a deal and booking that with your agency.
Some examples of Push Marketing in case of the travel industry are:
- Direct Selling To customers through in-person and online channels
- Point of Sale Displays ( Using Catalogues at the time of sale)
- Interactive Video Content Promotion of Customer Experiences, Vlogs, and Tourism Revival

To successfully market your travel business, you need to constantly be in front of your prospects.
People are traveling. Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but they are traveling. Your job is to make sure that when they are ready to book their next all-inclusive resort stay or family cruise, they think of you.
One way to do this is by sending them a weekly email or posting about a new resort opening on Facebook.

Well if we think clearly, we see a clear advantage of the Push Marketing Strategy over the Pull Strategy. Here’s why:
- Push Marketing creates immediate packages exposure leaving an impression in the minds of the prospective travelers about the type of services that your travel agency provides.
- The time between the traveler discovering your travel agency through research reduces and induces brand recall
- Unlike in the case of Pull Marketing, Push Marketing strategies doesn’t require much brand loyalty for a purchase to happen

We, being your friends at TravClan understand the need for any travel agency to employ push marketing strategy to generate more brand awareness and hence creating more leads.
We have compiled for you the latest marketing content, interactive videos, travel catalogs, world-class website, latest travel deals, and much more in a bundle just for you to use and upgrade your travel agency to the next level.