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employee blog

From Curious Intern to Full-Time Employee: My Journey with TravClan

Picture this: a young, travel-obsessed soul like me, on a quest to join the travel industry and make waves. That’s when TravClan entered the scene, offering me a chance to embark on an exhilarating journey from intern to full-time employee. Buckle up, because I’m about to spill the beans on how this epic transformation went down!

Don't think twice if you are an explorer! - Jaskaran Singh

The journey so far has been full of opportunities, I met some wonderful people and can proudly say that we’re all set to hit all the set future milestones to become the world’s largest B2B travel company.

I am here because I OWN TRAVCLAN - Zishan Ahmed

I feel satisfied when I look back and see my journey at TravClan. I joined the company in July 2018 when there was no office, no team, and no proper structure.

Monthly feedback Mechanism - A key to quick growth at TravClan

“True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.” – Daniel Kahneman

Do you wonder what a TravClan interviewer looks for during an interview, or what questions they ask?

Do you dread interviews? Do you wonder what a TravClan interviewer looks for during an interview, or what questions they ask? Well, you need not worry so much, just read this secret blog and ace your interview!

Joining us at TravClan? Here's what you can expect!

The first day at a new job can usually seem a little scary, we all have been there and have faced the anxiety of meeting new people, adjusting to the new workplace, and getting to know the job.

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