Monthly feedback Mechanism - A key to quick growth at TravClan

“True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.”

– Daniel Kahneman

Monthly feedback can seem like an additional task sometimes in which you self-evaluate yourself on the basis of work done each month. Recalling tasks and jotting the pros and cons can lead you to think about whether such feedbacks are even necessary or not.

So, let’s understand why such feedback is required and what is its relevance. Monthly feedback helps in tracking different work picked in the whole month along with assessing the quality and quantity of work. One can check the time management skill, and ensure that monthly assigned tasks are completed, it motivates employees to keep working in the right direction and if the performance needs to be improved then that can be done timely as well. Moreover, managers’ and employees’ satisfaction are checked along with helping them to have a better appraisal discussion.

Here at TravClan, we believe in having real-time feedback/ suggestions, and ideas. Hence we believe in capturing it in real time too. A feedback form is rolled out which is filled by employees and their managers each month. Post the feedback form submission, the form is exchanged between the managers and employees. Then, a one-on-one discussion takes place between them, which comes with the advantage of giving the employees time and space for open and honest communication. It is important to have a free space for direct feedback on how they’ve felt about the tasks tackled, whether they’ve enjoyed them, or if they are feeling overwhelmed, bored, challenged, or happy.

Believe me or not, there are times, when our team members share their honest opinion with their managers & seniors and they are not judged at all. Here, sharing of thought processes doesn’t lead to any positive or negative judgment for an employee. We believe whoever is associated with us is special and they carry something good within themselves. We have been able to make a lot of improvements in terms of our work and processes because of the real-time feedback mechanism.

Hence, evaluation and discussion have led to tremendous growth and improvement of performance for people at TravClan, and practicing it personally can help any individual to improve and grow quickly in any environment.