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7 Effective After-Sale Services you need to start practicing today for a Better Sale Cycle!

This blog highlights seven effective after-sale services that businesses can implement to improve their sales cycle.
By Harnoor Singh, Marketing

The Tourism Industry is a big tasty cake where every player is in a competition to grab the maximum piece! New Agencies keep popping up even while you’re reading this.

So what is it that makes you stand out from the rest? How can you get the maximum business and continue expanding your customer base?

Very often we underestimate the importance of retaining our old loyal customers while attracting the new ones. To avoid this, an effective and quality After-Sale service is what you need!

Be available for your clients and offer them the best customer support each time and not only when something goes wrong. Consider each sale like a relationship-building opportunity and you will be surprised by how your customers keep coming back to you.

Listed below are the Seven After-Sale Tips that will help you build a better relationship with your clients  and an even better Sale Cycle for your business:

1. Cards through Direct Mails

Little actions and have long-lasting impacts. A simple personal mail/ card to your client (preferably with their name) after they make a booking with you, or a day before their travel and better even after they return can leave a lasting impression. This simple and special display of care will win your client’s loyalty and trust.

2. Coupons and Discounts

Who doesn’t like to have special discounts and coupons? Surprising your clients with discounts or coupons on a package or a small getaway can help you in retaining your best clients!

Organize small competitions and events whenever you can and give your customers a chance to engage and win themselves something as simple as a future discount or a special complimentary service on their trip.

3. Phone Call

Make that effort and let your clients know that you are available for them. Make sure to not call too much. Interactions at the right times will assure your customers that you are available for them.

A simple call once they reach the destination to know if everything went well, can help you build that relationship.

4. Sharing New Deals and Updates

Ensure frequent interactions with your customers even when they haven’t booked from you in a while. Keep sharing the best deals, new products or any new updates on travel. The rapid changes happening in the Industry currently, makes this the best kind of service to practice.

The News and Guide section in the TravClan Powered Website does this for you!

The latest news on travel is updated each day for you and your customers to read. You can also directly share these with your customers. The Guide section in your TravClan powered website lets your customers virtually experience the destination from the comforts of their homes!

5. Conduct Surveys

It is always better to stay a step ahead by knowing what your customers need in advance.

Surveys are another best way to ensure a great customer experience.

Send out simple forms or ask your customers to express their requirements and expectations from you. This will only display your seriousness and commitment towards your job.

6. Help Your Clients Celebrate

As stated above, be available for your customers not only when something goes wrong but also when its something special. Make their trips even more memorable by doing something special on their special days.

Be a part of your client’s on the trip birthday celebration, marriage proposal or their honeymoon trip by simply requesting the hotel to send a cake or arrange a special meal. This will let your customers know that your relationship runs deeper than just a simple business deal!

6. Connect over Social Media

Another best way to continue being available for your customers is by adding them to your social media network. Stay in touch and be easily approachable in case your client plans to go on a trip. Keep sharing the best deals, latest travel updates, customer testimonials by actively posting on your social media platforms.

TravClan brings to you the best deals and engagement content so that you do not have to waste any time sitting and generating content. You can download and share with your customers from a variety of posters and deals available on the TravClan App with your own price, agency name and logo.

Know how Social Media can turn out to be your biggest asset in building the brand your customers will love!

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