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Get Free Travel Leads

Is your travel business struggling to attract leads in the digital age? Discover these Top 5 free tips to transform the way you operate and generate more travel leads than ever before!
By Manoj Tudu, Marketing

If we could sum up the greatest desire of most Travel Agents or Tour Operators, it would be this: I want more Travel leads. Unfortunately, many of you don’t know how to attract leads in this digital era.

Over the Years, Technology has become a game-changer in the Travel Sector. You can no longer be dependent on print media or rely on leads walking into your local travel Agency store.

For planning a perfect holiday destination, travelers are relying on digital media like social media platforms (Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, LinkedIn), Mobile Applications, and websites.

They want more than just a place to stay: visit trending destinations, dine out, attend events, see local attractions. etc., and hence demand travel-related businesses to transform the way they operate.

With increasing expectations of travelers, travel partners need to understand that your website and online content need to be getting seen, and then only you can master the art of generating travel leads.

Once you’ve committed to this mindset and approach, implement these Top 5 ways to generate Free travel leads.

Ready? Here’s our Top Free travel leads generation Tips.

1) A Well Designed Website

Today, technology has increased the worldwide accessibility for travelers to compare travel portals and find out the perfect holiday destination for themselves. Meaning, having a website is necessary to generate free travel leads.

Many Travel Agents don’t really value their websites and don’t get the full benefit out of them.

Therefore, it’s not good enough to just have a website. One should not neglect fast loading time, a good user interface, good use of images, mobile-friendly design, and a clear call to action to maximize sales. These factors can contribute immensely to user experience and thereby increasing the traffic on a website.

Also, they miss out on Trending and exciting features such as Vaccine Slot Availability, Social Media Integration, Customizable Design, Automated news, Integrated Payment Gateway, and much more.

All of these you can get at the TravClan powered Lifetime Free Website.

2) Social Media Marketing

Done right, social media pages can be extremely powerful to build your business profile and grow your followers on all platforms ie. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

You can easily connect and share engaging content with your target audience.

Engage and Delight your customers with Personalized Posters containing Trending deals, Festive Posters, News, travel memes, etc. The more times your name, company name, or logo is seen by others, the greater the chances of it being remembered.

Do create eye-catchy captions and use an appropriate call to action to encourage your customers to act in the way you want, like sign up, go to your website, contact you, etc.

3) Blogging

Travel Blogs carry an inexpensive and super effective potential to generate free Travel leads.

Today through travel blogs, travelers are more likely to look for travel experiences, which have become a source of inspiration for vacation planning and destination search.

So frequently discovering new ideas in the form of content helps in growing awareness of your company and converting traffic into potential customers by creating a sense of trust among them.

You will be seen as an expert if you provide useful tips and insights on the blog’s subject matter that is directly related to your company.

This way customers will contact you when they are ready to travel.

Also, Blogging will make your website more credible and your website will start ranking higher on google search.

4) Email Marketing

Email marketing is still today one of the most efficient ways to get content in front of your audience and get free Travel leads.

Through a form or a pop up ask visitors to enter an email address to subscribe to your newsletter.

This way you will be able to create an email list of interested audiences. You can later use this data to run campaigns and market your travel agency for free.

You can also provide weekly or monthly newsletters and cover a section about your latest holiday deals. At the end of the section, feature a call to action that says ‘Book Now’ or, ‘Submit Requirement’.

This way an email can produce free travel leads for your business.

5) Travel Webinar

Webinars can be very effective in generating free travel leads.

People buy from people and the first person that should promote your Travel business is you!

You can use webinars for the promotion of trending holiday destinations, testimonials from happy customers, promotion of a city or region, special deals or offers, etc.

Make sure you target the right audience for each webinar to get maximum potential customers!

If you learn to take the right actions daily, and you are consistent with your effort, there is absolutely no reason why you should not have enough business.

By following these simple 5 ways, you can generate free travel leads on your own. So hurry up and try these out!

If you want a professionally designed website for your travel business, just fill up this form and we will arrange a call back from TravClan Team!

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