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Why Saudi is the perfect destination for honeymoon couples?

Escape to Romance: Experience the Unforgettable on Your Honeymoon in Saudi Arabia!
By Yukta Arora, Marketing

Even though Saudi Arabia may not be the first place that comes to mind when considering romantic getaways, there are many ways for couples to enjoy their honeymoon there.

The beautiful sceneries, fabulous hotels, luxury hotels and outwardly experiences are the top reasons why you should pitch Saudi as the emerging honeymoon destination to your customers.

Here are some of the top things your customers can enjoy:

1. Al – Balad:

One can take a stroll around Jeddah’s Al-Balad District, which is full of quaint streets and vibrant homes and is the ideal location for a romantic stroll. The Al-Rahma Mosque, which is renowned for its stunning blue mosaics, is another place in the list to visit

2. Shopping at mall, souqs:

Saudi gives multiple options for having an amazing shopping experience ranging from luxury shopping at Jeddah’s Red Sea Mall to finding local and exotic material at the local souqs. One shouldn’t miss out on the arabian perfumes, spices, jewelry, etc.Your customers can take a stroll, enjoy food at famous cafes and have a relaxing and fun day with their partner.

3. Dune Bashing:

Dune Bashing is a must experience for all the honeymooners as not only it is a different experience which can be quite fun but it also allows the couples to bond with each other. Also, it’s the perfect time to click amazing selfies and pictures in the beautiful and picturesque dunes of Saudi.

4. Scuba Diving in Red Sea:

Scuba diving is a one of a kind experience, as you get to watch sea life in the wide sea. It is a once in a lifetime memory to be created especially for couples which can be a great selling point when getting yourself leads for Saudi.
For couples who are adventure seeking and want to experience something new, you should definitely inform them about the Red Sea where they can find shipwrecks, multicoloured corals and virgin desert islands,  variety of marine life.

5. Stargazing in Desert:

Saudi Arabia’s bright skies make for ideal stargazing conditions, and a number of tour operators offer escorted stargazing excursions in the desert. The customer can also enjoy a romantic candlelight dinner beneath the stars.

Saudi Arabia has plenty of options for a romantic and memorable honeymoon. If your customers are looking for an amazing and fun filled experience, Saudi should be at the top of their list.

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